I am so addicted to all the quilting blogs…I can’t stop surfing when every blog has incredible eye candy. Is there anything more fun than seeing all these incredible projects and getting the scoop from the artist, first hand? So inspiring too. And the selvages…let’s just say DH is worried about my mental health and not go there today, except to say that my little wallet caused a small ripple of it’s own in ‘blogland’ so how cool is that??? I sent a link to Kathy over at StudioKat and she said ‘I made her day’ so I’ve been on a natural ‘quilt high’ since my last post. Seriously folks, this stuff is addicting… connecting with Quilters all over the world, and networking, and forming new groups, with new projects to follow, and it’s ongoing, ….it boggles the (my) mind! And I’m just a beginner, an amateur at this blogging. Ugh, I may be getting too old for this much excitement, or maybe I can call it exercise? Certainly gets the blood pumping so I’ll call it my ‘cardio’ workout;)
As for progress in my new ‘TMSR’ (temporary micro sewing room), I finished a simple, fall themed panel w/2 borders project one day and aside from the fact that the selvages have taken over, I am preparing for my BOM group that I teach. These two gals are so much fun…I must say that they are teaching me as much, or more than I am teaching them; the memories will be woven into the quilt, same as the thread. How could I not love my ‘quilty’ life? (Thank you Jeff, for putting up with me.) Teaching is challenging me to the point that I have committed to really learn that EQ5 program I invested in a few years ago. They came out with EQ6 just after I bought it and I have no doubt that EQ7 will arrive about the time I actually learn EQ5. Such is life, I am always playing ‘catch-up’.
It is totally addicting! It's hard to tear myself away and do actual sewing/real work sometimes - so inspiring. :)