Welcome to my blog...ponderings of life, patchwork & longarm quilting by WandaQuilts from Montgomery County, TX.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Ripple in 'Blogland' continues....

Jackie over at http://www.cvquiltworks.blogspot.com/ does a regular podcast about quilting. What’s a podcast? Well, I just graduated to a recycled ipod nano a few months ago, where I listen to audiobooks while I’m in my sewing room so, I’m not really qualified to answer this, but it is like a radio show that you can subscribe to every day. So, Jackie did an interview of (my new friend in blogland,) Karen Griska who ‘invented’ the selvage quilt and has fashioned, if you will, a whole new genre of Quilters.

So, this podcast is all about how Karen came to make her 1st selvage quilt and her journey since; including a book published by AQS, (an accomplishment in itself) all the rage around the globe and the projects that have emerged. This is a high tech operation, complete with pics. You can go to the itunes website, download to your desktop and listen on your computer too. If not, all the projects are featured on Karen’s blog,…. drum roll please….including my selvage wallet! Karen actually mentions it in the podcast, you can rewind and hear it over and over again, she says and I quote ‘a selvage wallet’!
Oh, I love these gals, they really know how to pump me up. If only I wasn’t working on income taxes and could go up to my beloved TMSR today! (TEMPORARY micro sewing room).
However, there is more fun in store because these 2 have teamed up to give away 2 signed copies of Karen’s book ‘Quilts from the Selvage Edge’. Jackie is such a sweetie, you can enter as many as 3 times! Oh, I hope I win one! Here is a link to my post with the selvage wallet that has gotten me involved in all this excitement…Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wanda,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I've been saving selvages for the last 6 months because I was so inspired by the idea they were use-able. Have you seen Jodie Carlton's selvage dress?

    One of these days when I have enough selvages I'm going to make them into a quilt. (Of course that could take years)
