Welcome to my blog...ponderings of life, patchwork & longarm quilting by WandaQuilts from Montgomery County, TX.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Not quite blog savvy yet

I would like to add some links to my blog....like who I'm following & one of those index lists that link to the blog. Technology got away from me a few years ago & now I'll never catch up! Guess you'll find me in the 'Help' area....
I made great progress on 2 little backpacks for my g-baby-girls, in pre-K & 2nd grade. I need to find some little girls to measure the straps & then secure them, or put a buckle on so they are adjustable?
Hubby says today is the day to do our 'formal' shopping so we are hitting the outlet mall & JCP. Oh, can't go to town without going to Hobby Lobby! Sounds like I'm finally getting into  'Christmas mode'.

1 comment:

  1. Wanda,

    Hope you found some good Christmas gifts and still had time to spend some craft time in Hobby Lobby. Be careful how much you learn in blogsville because you'll soon become addicted and never get anything finished, just a pile of UFO's :)
